secure peace

美 [sɪˈkjʊr piːs]英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r) piːs]
  • 获得安宁
secure peacesecure peace
  1. The prosperity of the country depends on a stable and secure peace .


  2. they be aimed logically and honestly toward secure peace for all ;


  3. It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war .


  4. A final lesson is that , if war does break out , it is vital at its conclusion to construct a secure peace .


  5. And even as there will be dark days ahead in Afghanistan , the light of a secure peace can be seen in the distance .


  6. With the Turkish prime minister visiting Moscow and Tbilisi , Ankara is now working hard to secure peace .


  7. He emphasised the economic benefits of a closer relationship and urged India to step up its dialogue with Pakistan to secure peace in the region .


  8. Following the treaty of Westphalia there was a focus on the question of state sovereignty , implying non-intervention , to secure peace .


  9. The United States will work for a just and secure peace : just , because it fulfills the aspirations of peoples and nations for freedom and progress ;


  10. Both the previous military government of General Pervez Musharraf and the new civilian government have opted at various times to try to secure peace deals with tribal leaders to contain the militants .


  11. Seeking to secure peace in the world , we have had to fight through the forests of the Argonne , to the shores of Iwo Jima , and to the cold mountains of Korea .


  12. Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement


  13. America alone cannot secure the peace .


  14. By investing in people , China would not only increase its human capital , but also secure social peace in hard times .


  15. but how we will lead not just to secure our peace and prosperity but also extend peace and prosperity around the globe


  16. And she would need to understand that encouraging divisions among the Palestinians-egging on Fatah to bash Hamas-is unlikely to secure long-term peace for Israel .


  17. The British mining magnate Cecil Rhodes created the scholarship program more than a century ago to try to help secure world peace by educating potential leaders , mostly from British colonies , at his beloved Oxford .


  18. Because only by investing in our children , by tapping their potential that has remained untapped for too long , can they one day cure our diseases , or bring us to Mars , or secure us peace here on earth .


  19. Guided by Emperor taizong 's thought , the law of the Tang was made to secure the peace and rosperity of Zhenguan and established the standard for the penal laws of feudal autocracy which was followed by all the other feudal Dynastes afterwars .


  20. There is no magic wand to secure a just peace


  21. But a new world of law , where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved .


  22. For decades , what the civilized society has been striving for is to secure a lasting peace .


  23. but a new world of law where the strong are just , and the weak secure , and the peace preserved .


  24. Can one , in other words , secure both justice and peace , or are the two naturally antagonistic ?


  25. and shall secure to you the peace , friendship , and approbation of all nations .


  26. It is of vital importance and urgent necessity to think about how we can secure and maintain world peace and any decent life for future generations .
